Online Web Based Reporting System

Information is displayed graphically in the form of Dashboards & Graphs

Accessible from Smartphones and Tablets

Simple & easy user interface reducing the need for extensive training

User Level Access Control

Automatically emails reports to a list of recipients

Subsidy Claim Reports for Department of Transport


Online application that provides reporting, analysis and cash reconciliation in a multiuser environment. Also includes additional depot management reports that allow depot management to quickly identify problems with the system.

Reports can be output in a variety of formats: printed or output as PDF, XLS, HTML, DOC, etc.

Reports can also be scheduled to run at specific times and deposited at a specific location where others may then access them. Such reports could also be automatically emailed to a list of recipients.v

The database can also be accessed by an ODBC compliant application such as:

Microsoft Excel

Crystal Reports


This allows users to create their own reports if required.

We are always improving the reporting system by regular discussions with transport operators that use it. Our goal is to ensure that it is the best reporting system for transport operators around the world.

Our reporting system boasts the following features:

Always online

Accessible from anywhere in the world via the internet

Information at a glance; important information is displayed graphically in the form of dashboards and graphs

Accessible for smartphones and tablets

Secure interface ensuring the integrity of information

Simple and easy user interface reducing the need for extensive training

Continuous development life-cycle

This document is based on V2.1 of the Reporting System, the next version has more features to offer which will be released early next year after stringent testing this year.


User Friendly

Value for Money