Low Cost Driver Console Ticket Machine

High Speed Thermal Printer (150mm/s)

Robust Hardware

Distance Based Fares

Mifare Smartcard Products (Multi-Journey, Stored Value)

Very long product life span

Easy-to-use driver interface


Most affordable, WayfarerTGX150 is an electronic ticket machine designed to support the complex fare collection requirements of public transport operators. WayfarerTGX150 can operate either as a stand-alone cash and smart card ticketing processor or Connects to the Wayfarer Back Office Software Suite (for Configuration, Monitoring & Online Reporting)

           > Integrates to Destination Displays,

           > GPS Optional

           > Duty System,

           > Connects to the Server via the Depot's Wirelss LAN

           > Scheduling,

           > Subsidy Claim Reports,

           > Administrative functions,

           > Operational, Financial, Management & Subsidy Reports,

           > Customisable to suit your needs,

Competitive Advantage

The TGX150 has proved itself to be a robust, reliable ticket machine in daily use on more than 3,500 buses in South Africa for the past 10 years.

It transacts various smartcard products: Weekly, Monthly Multi-Journey, Stored Value, Staff Pass, Adult, Scholar, Pensioner and Disabled smartcards.

The same ticket machine is used for Point of Sales to sell & recharge passenger smartcards; and Cash-in Drivers at the depot.

Technical Data


User Friendly

Value for Money

Built Tough

Dimensions (HxDxW): 215 x 235 x 231 mm

16 x 26 character passenger display

98 x 79mm backlit STN LCD main display

GPS & 3G (optional)

58mm wide thermal ticket printer

Tactile keyboard

High speed thermal printing (150mm/s)

Lound buzzer for tones

Green / Amber / Red operations lights

ISO 14443 type A, B, B’, C, C' contactless smart card interface